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7x National Team Member
2x Olympic Team Alternate
University World Champion

I have had the opportunity to travel the world and train for Team USA. The road to making an Olympic Team is a treacherous one, filled with twists, turns, highs, and lows. My journey has been no exception. Over the years of training and competing I have been fortunate to see a lot of success in the sport, but not without having to learn tough lessons. All this has made me the woman, athlete, and coach that I am today.



Mom’ing hard and wrestling hard. Truth.

After deciding to take a break from wrestling following the 2016 Olympics, my husband and I welcomed our son, Eli. Coming back to wrestling after becoming a mom was a daily challenge, but I embraced the chaos of being a full-time athlete and mom. In 2021, I competed in my last wrestling match, and in 2022, we welcomed our daughter, Isla.

My husband has been crucial in my journey back to competition and in pursuing my dream of creating a wrestling-focused business. We first met on the wrestling team at Menlo College in 2008. Recently, he's taken on the roles of dad and wrestling coach, which he carries with pride. Alongside those, he juggles being a dishwasher, web designer, psychologist, gardener, handyman, and so much more.

Hear more about my perspective of motherhood on the Soul Mammas Podcast!



As a professional athlete, I was asked the same questions on life and training. I discovered a huge lack in resources for young female wrestlers and athletes to learn how to perform at a high level through exercise, nutrition, travel tips, mindset, and more.

I’ve developed a platform called LuchaFIT to do just that. My goal and mission is to offer all my advice and knowledge to athletes, coaches, and parents alike on relevant topics like nutrition, injuries, best coaching practices. My husband and I have BIG plans on growing the platform once I’m done competing, so stay tuned for the future of LuchaFIT!



I guess you could say I took up the family business. 

My dad, a 3x Olympian started wrestling programs and clubs throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. He coached one of the first women’s wrestling team to the World Championships. He was literally coaching women before it was cool. My mom naturally got heavily involved in the sport and managed to get herself inducted in the California Wrestling Hall of Fame for her efforts in growing the sport. My sister and I competed on an international level for many years and she continues to work as the Virginia State Director for Girl’s Wrestling. 

Being an advocate for women in sport runs deep in my family’s history, so it’s all I know. I’ve served as a board member for the non-profit, Wrestle Like a Girl. I’ve started my own platform, LuchaFIT. I’ve mentored many young athletes to be successful in sport and in life.  Being an advocate is the least I can do for all the sport has done for me.





All of this wouldn’t be possible without the support of my incredible sponsors. If you’d like to support my journey to Olympic Gold, let’s talk!